Shipping & Returns
As we use a courier service, Shipping can only be to an address. NO PO BOXES or PARCEL LOCKERS.
Most items are manufactured here. Takes 5-10 Business Days (Even longer during sale and peak periods) to process orders depending on the amount of stock. Orders will then be shipped. Products are combined the best way for shipping so some orders could have more than one box. Any of our products that are 36″ or over are sliced to get the cheapest shipping cost available. If you don’t want the items sliced, Let me know via Email and I can arrange it but most certainly will have an added cost to freight. Usually takes 28 days for the box to also be manufactured. Please note, The API for freight calculation has been turned off as it was over quoting considerably. A separate invoice for freight will be sent to you when the order is boxed and ready to go.